Interior Design Process


How it Works

The comprehensive interior design journey encompasses eight steps, guiding clients from the project’s inception to its completion. A fundamental aspect of our expertise lies in comprehending and interpreting our clients’ unique aesthetic preferences and lifestyle requirements. Our commitment to delivering personalized interior design services involves a hands-on approach, ensuring that the spaces we craft authentically reflect the clients’ personalities and seamlessly align with their individual lifestyles, tastes, and aspirations. Beyond the creation of aesthetically pleasing environments, our focus extends to enhancing the functionality of the space, creating not just a beautiful setting but an environment that harmoniously complements and enhances the way our clients live within it.




Client’s Vision – The process begins with the client’s ideas and identifies the client’s goals and needs, schedule requirements and budgetary parameters. By the end of our intake process, we have established a clear vision of the client’s style, how they do daily life in order to personalize the design process with the best end-result in mind.

初步溝通: 瞭解業主之各項需求、想法、風格喜好、生活習慣以及預計要裝修之預算目標、進度要求和預算參數。



Job Site Measurement – Then we proceed to the job site in order to gather specific information such as detailed measurement of the site and site-photos for design references. Then, we carefully analyze both opportunities and challenges presented with surrounding environment.

現場丈量: 對工地現場之周圍環境進行瞭解及做詳細之勘量,拍照存 檔做為設計之參考。

(備1: 需先收取提案或丈量堪察費用壹萬元,其費用可於設計約簽定時折抵)



Design Process – Proceed with all the information we gather to capture the client’s vision and transform into an interior design plan. We will then provide a set of concept drawings for client’s approval to define the scope of the project. Once the design scope is defined, we can provide a set of working drawings and establish project time frames and budget guidelines.

提案: 對初步之規劃、動線等,先取得必要之認同,而確立設計之輪廓。


Design Contract


Signing the Design Contract – If the client is satisfy with the previous design proposal and demand for further design services, then it is necessity for both side to proceed with a “design contract” allowing us to offer more in-depth design services.




Design Development – Do essential revisions from previous proposals and finalize the design concept through 3D simulations, which involve functionality, material selections, brands, color scheme, and further details.


Construct Contract


Sign the project contract – Final budget requirements are established by evaluation of bids and selection of vendors and contractors. We will take full responsibility to ensure that a client gets the best quality services with a reasonable price.

簽訂工程合約– 依照明確的設計圖(3D圖)估價,製作工程報價單. 經業主確認後簽訂工程合約



Construction Phase – Start working towards making our client’s dream a reality. Our client’s personalized design is being made, ordered, and constructed on the job site. From wall treatment to furniture installation, we take care of it all. During this stage you will be able to supervise the design module as it comes to life in front of your eyes.

施工階段 – 按圖施工。並依簽訂合約之付款方式階段性收取工程費用。



Project Completion – It’s time to welcome the dream space and enjoy.

完工結案 – 完成裝潢工程之委託、攝影紀念。開始享受新的生活。

Interested in seeing how we can transform your home?

Book a complimentary call to discuss how we can help!